On Shore fishfarming


Feeding the growing population in a world where the food supply chains has been questioned over the first half of 2020 has become one of the biggest challenges  facing our society today.

The UN food and agriculture organization has stated that to simply keep up the pace with the growing population, we will need to increase the aquaculture output by 62 million tones by 2030.

This increase must be matched by significant reductions in environmental impact and improvements in resource efficiency.

Deep Blue has over the last years set up a cooperation and a network of professional Fish farmers, equipment providers, feed providers, egg providers and specialists in Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) for onshore salmon farming. We have the full team ready from the next step.

We are working with clients in Scandinavia and all over south east Asia, North Africa, Middle East and Oceania, and are currently focusing on project possibilities in India and Egypt.

A current ongoing projects is a large scale Industrial park and fish farm on the west coast in Sweden, which will become the largest of its kind in Europe, as well as one of its kind, due to the symbiosis centre it will become part of.

We are happy to say that there are several species that thrives while farmed in RAS. And several research centres trying to add other popular species these days.

Please contact us on salmon@deepblue.cx