Solar energy is the energy technology that is fastest growing internationally, continually improved with quick technology improvements and cost reductions. We are taking part in this evolution with our experts within the field, and strive to be at the head of this development.

We are working with world leading companies in solar cell technology, and jointly have participated in more than 50+ projects, and have several projects in the pipeline in the 40 to 100MW size.

We are always looking for more opportunities where we can perform everything up to EPCF. 

Solar energy has over the last couple of years had a leap in technology and a reduction in price, and finally becoming a viable solution for energy production. Earlier one had to rely on subsidisation, but thanks to nearly 80% reduction in cost, it is now viable without

Deep Blue Solar is working on projects in South East Asia as well as projects in Scandinavia.

We work closely with engineers that can help customise solutions for solar tracking on both large and small scale installations. And have developed a energy storage solution that will give the user a 24/7 flow of electricity.

We provide services in all different phases of a solar project.

There are many factors that require our attention when planning a new location for harvesting solar energy. Location and its local climate has a big impact on the solution that we choose to use for that potential project.

Some of the services provided within this field.

•Project development
•Map out potential solar energy resources
•Site study, and assessment of the lands security  for solar production. •Production estimation, and simulations.
•Design and layout.
•DC and AC design.
•Optimization with regards to land utilization.
•Planning and dimensioning of battery power backup on remote locations. •Integration with existing grid.

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